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How to Prepare Your AC Unit for the Summer


The summer has arrived in full force. If you haven't performed any preventative maintenance on your air conditioner, the time to do so is now. Don't let this machine intimidate you; armed with some knowledge and willpower, you will be able to perform preventative air conditioner maintenance that gets your air conditioner ready for the dog days of summer.

This article is all about what basic steps you can take to maintain your AC unit.

The First Step

Don't dive right into maintenance procedures off the bat. Be sure to turn off the air conditioner's power to ensure your safety. Once the power supply to the machine has been turned off, it is time to do some work.

Inspect the Evaporator

Give your air conditioner's evaporator a once-over. It is located in the plenum area above your furnace. If the evaporator can be reached, clean off any gunk that has accumulated. Take off the plenum's foil, remove the screws and the plate. Use a brush to wipe off all dust, dirt, and other grime along its bottom. Clean off the tray below the evaporator as well.

Clean the Condenser

The condenser is located outside of your home. It will likely have debris and dirt from your yard. Clean it off so air can flow freely. Use a coil cleaner to flush the coil. Let it dry before turning your air conditioner back on.

Replenish the Freon level

Your air conditioner likely requires the coolant known as “Freon” to generate cool air. Check its Freon level so it can cool your living or working space. If it is low, fill it back up to the maximum level.

Clean or Replace the Filter

The beginning of the summer is the perfect time to remove the grille from you air conditioner. If it is extremely dirty, consider replacing it. If it looks like it can still function, give it a good cleaning and put it back in place.

Get Your AC Tune-Up from Local Professionals

Looking for an AC tune-up from a professional? Contact Heany Plumbing & Heating today. For all of your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs - we've got you covered. Give our team a call today to set up your AC tune-up appointment.