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Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Whole-House Humidifier with Your New Furnace


Winter has a tendency to turn your home into a desert.

The cold season outside demands you to turn the heat on inside and all that heated air means dryer air. It can be difficult to balance between the heat and the humidity in your home. No one wants the mold or mildew that comes with moist, warm places or the chapped lips, papery skin, and other health impacts of dry air. Consider a whole-house humidifier to solve these problems. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of having a whole-house humidifier in your new furnace installation.

What is a Whole-Home Humidifier?

The glory of a whole-house or whole-home humidifier is that it plugs right into your heating and cooling system. Heating your home typically ends up drying out your air. Your whole-home humidifier adds water vapor into your air through your duct system. You control the level of humidity and temperature in your home with your thermostat.

Benefit #1: Improve Your Family’s Health

The first and most important benefit of the whole-house humidity control is that it will help improve your family’s health. Respiratory problems and allergies will lessen with this system. Catching a cold including the flu and getting an infection also drop in likelihood with more moisture in the air.

Benefit #2: Feel More Comfortable in Your Home

Imagine feeling an itch but not being able to pinpoint where it is or how to scratch it. Now imagine that itch going away naturally. A whole-house humidifier will make your body feel more comfortable - something everyone wants at home. Dry skin, a scratchy throat, asthma, and other symptoms become less impactful with a higher moisture level in your home.

Benefit #3: Save the Environment (and Money)

Let’s keep going with that personal comfort in your home idea. Warmth comes from more than just the temperature - just ask anyone in a lush, forested area. Every heating degree you drop on your thermostat will end up saving you money. With more humidity, your home will feel warmer even though you won’t need a high temperature, saving your heating system energy and you money.

Benefit #4: Protect Your Home

Dried-out air hurts you, but did you know that it also hurts your home? Hardwood floors can crack when they get too dry. Paint will chip and walls will warp when there isn’t enough moisture in the air. Everything just works better when there is a healthy amount of moisture in the air.

Get a Whole-House Humidifier Installed in Your Home by Trusted Professionals

A whole-house humidifier will help you, your family, and your house to live more comfortably. Getting this addition installed into your existing HVAC system will be easy with trusted professionals like those at Heaney Plumbing & Heating. Our team has been in the business for more than 40 years. Give us a call today to bring our experience to your home.